How to Make Sure Your Goals Are High Impact

0 comments Saturday 10 November 2018
You may be really disciplined about setting goals every year. Maybe even every quarter. But not all goals are created equal. Goal setting can fall flat when they fail to meet valuable criteria that guide you to implementation success. That's why I created a tool called IMPACTOR Goals.

So you can make every minute spent goal setting count, and to pave the way for achieving them.

  IMPACTOR is an acronym that points out the key steps in setting goals that matter, so your business can have impact.

IMPACTOR goals begin with impact, which I define as where your unique business meets the world and makes it a better place for all of us. Your impact intention needs to be clear before you begin. What difference do you want to make?

 Make sure your goals are measurable. It's tempting to be vague. Don't give into that. What you measure is more likely to happen. Goals should be specific, particular. Rather than saying, I want more customers, make your goal 10 more customers. Or two joint venture partners, rather than just 'more'. When you get in the planning fever, lofty goals can take a bigger place than is healthy. Goals should be challenging, yes, but make them achievable as well, so you don't freak yourself into paralysis.

Can you describe your goal to your team members, those who will be implementing it? Be clear about what your goal is, so you can articulate it.

Be time-specific. Give each goal a timeline. You may miss it slightly, and that's OK. Be willing to adjust, but not so much that the timeline has no teeth. Now that you're aware of these criteria, we're going to do a little alchemy here. At this stage in the IMPACTOR model, goals become objectives.

That means they've been vetted against the IMPACT criteria and found worthy. Finally, create your Get-To-Do list. Attach a few key results to each objective, to clarify how you'll achieve the objective. Your business is a gift to yourself and to others. You get-to-do these things!

 Make your goal setting a high ROI activity by using the IMPACTOR Goals model.

They'll ensure that your goals will get you where you want to go, with high impact.

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7 Effective Ways to Drop 10 Pounds Running

1 comments Wednesday 13 August 2014
7 Effective Ways to Drop 10 Pounds Running
  •                                                                                                                                                         Looking for ways to drop 10 pounds without strict diets? I’ve got some of the most effective ways to drop 10 pounds running. Why running? The thing is, running is one of the best calorie burning exercising. While any workout is great workout, when it comes to losing weight, it’s difficult to beat running. Follow these seven tips on how to drop 10 pounds running and you will definitely get the body you want.                     

1. Increase your running mileage

To burn more calories and drop 10 pounds, consider increasing your running mileage. After all, it’s always a great idea to challenge yourself with something absolutely new, isn’t it? If you usually run short distances, try longer ones. Not only will you drop 10 pounds, but also reach a new fitness goal.

2. Perform interval training

Interval training helps boost your metabolism and burn more calories without exhausting yourself. Start running at your maximum speed for about 5-6 minutes, and then jog for 1-2 minutes. Do it 5-6 times for a perfect running workout that will help you boost your endurance, improve mental strength as well as burn plenty of calories.

3. Increase your intensity

When it comes to losing 10 pounds running, it’s important to push yourself when you run. Try to increase your intensity and over time, the body will adjust and it will be easier to run longer distances. Don’t be afraid to challenge your body. You will burn lots of unwanted calories and drop those unwanted pounds.

4. Monitor your diet

Just because you run each day doesn’t mean you can eat what you want. Healthy eating never hurts, whether you want to lose weight or not. You can run long distances, increase your intensity and burn many calories, but you won’t lose weight if you don’t stick to a healthy diet. So be sure to make healthy choices and avoid fast food at all costs.

5. Add more greens

When you are trying to drop 10 pounds running, you need to add more greens to your daily eating plan. By consuming more greens each day, you will boost your fiber intake, improve your digestive health, boost your energy levels and drop unwanted pounds. Making the salad your main meal is one of the easiest ways to consume more greens daily.

    6. Enjoy your runs

Well, running can be hard and boring at times, but you need to learn to enjoy it. Don’t make running a chore, instead, think of it as a fun activity. If you have a super busy schedule, running is one of the best ways to have some ‘me time,’ focus on your health and admire the beauty of nature around you. Start enjoying your runs today and you will certainly achieve your fitness goal and drop those 10 pounds.

7. Chart your progress

It has been proven that people who weigh in frequently weigh less. You don’t have to weigh in every hour and every single day, though. Try to weigh in once a week and you will know where you’re in your goal and what else you need to do to achieve it faster. Charting your progress regularly is the key to success. Remember it.
One of the best things about running is that it can help you drop those unwanted pounds faster as well as reduce your stress levels. Sure, you should also eat healthy to reach your goal. Have you ever tried to lose weight running?

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5 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Back Pain

0 comments Saturday 1 December 2012

Back pain can be very bothersome at times and, if not treated properly, it can worsen over time. As a matter of fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit their healthcare provider - fortunately, it can be easily cured with healthy, balanced diet and correct posture. Here you will find 5 essential tips on how to get rid of the pain:
1. Address Bad Posture
Bad posture and the lack of back support are two of the main causes of back pain, since poor posture stresses your spine and adds pressure to your back muscles. If you adopt a correct posture, you will not only cure it, but you will also prevent it in the long run. Bad posture is not only the main culprit behind back pain, but it can also cause headaches, neck pain and joint problems.
In a nutshell, it is essential to keep every part of your body in perfect alignment with the neighboring parts. When you need to change your posture, make sure you do it smoothly and without any sudden movements, to avoid injuries.
However, it must be mentioned that bad posture does not occur only when you are sitting on your office chair - it can also appear when you brush your teeth and you lean over the sink incorrectly, or when you are cooking and you maintain poor posture in the kitchen. When it comes to curing, maintaining the correct amount of curvature in your back is of utmost importance.
2. Provide Efficient Back Support
As stated above, the lack of back support can also lead to back pain, sooner or later. This is why it is essential buy an ergonomic chair that will provide proper support throughout the day, especially if you have an office job that requires a lot of computer work. The ergonomic chair will not only provide support, but it can also be a lot more comfortable and you will not experience muscle or joint pain anymore.
3. Become More Flexible
This is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects that you need to take into consideration. Generally speaking, back pain occurs when people lack flexibility - by increasing you flexibility, you will automatically put equal pressure on your body, without stressing particular muscles or your joints. Stretches, leg extensions, head turns or arm and joint circles are only some of the exercises that improve flexibility and reduce the pain.
4. Watch Your Diet
Few people know that back pain and diet are closely related. Food is our body's fuel, and we need to provide it with high-quality nutrients in order to function properly, otherwise the muscles and joints are prone to injuries. Foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins (also known as "Power Foods") are absolutely essential for a healthy body, this is why it is recommended to increase your daily intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-wheat breads to prevent pain.
Reduce the intake of soft drinks, candy bars, cookies and basically any other sweets that will make you feel tired. Sugar is known to be a real energy waster, this is why you must avoid sugary products. Moreover, eliminate foods that are high in fat, and focus on oily fish and olive oil (which provide healthy fats along with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids).
5. Foods For Back Pain
Tissue inflammation is one of the underlying causes of back pain. You can easily treat inflammation with the correct diet, without having to use medication. Increase your intake of whole fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, blueberries, walnuts, fresh juices, fish oil and soy proteins. These fruits are known to reduce pain and inflammation, and they are considered to be the natural back pain cure.
To summarize, it is essential to maintain good posture, to provide your back with proper support and to watch your diet. There are foods that can worsen your back pain, and there are other foods that can relieve it by reducing inflammation. Focus on the above-mentioned hints and you can cure back pain naturally and effortlessly.

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3 Steps to Preventing Back Pain While You Drive

It's no surprise that excessive sitting causes back and neck pain. Thankfully, the solution to excessive sitting is easy: stand! But what do you do when you drive a truck or taxi cab for a profession and you can't stand? This solution is a bit more complex. Nevertheless, there are three steps you can take to prevent and alleviate your back and neck pain while driving.
Step 1: Use an ACCESSORY lumbar support. Most cars are equipped with an inherent lumbar support, but the reality is that these inherent lumbar supports are not sufficient. Be sure to purchase an accessory support and use it each time you drive. Lumbar supports discourage slouching and induce the proper curve in your low back.
Step 2: Set up your driver's seat correctly. Try to sit with your legs and hips at 90 degrees and place your butt all the way at the back of the seat to prevent slouching. Don't continuously place your arms on the arm rest, as it causes a shoulder shrug. Finally, rest your head against the head rest at the spot directly above the bump on the back of your head. This position places your head in neutral.
Step 3: When possible, get out of your car and take a five minute walk. If you are driving across the country, take advantage of the rest stops to walk around for 10 minutes. If possible, pull over on the side of the road to stand and stretch.
Driving is a part of everyday life and a necessity to some people. Although driving is a leading cause of back pain, there are steps you can take to make it a more comfortable ride.

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Home Business Income Opportunity - READ THIS FIRST To Avoid These 3 Deadly Mistakes In Your Business

0 comments Friday 21 October 2011
Home business income opportunities abound all over, especially on the internet.
It is a known fact though that over 90% of people fail to achieve the success they so desperately desire, especially in these economic times. The lifestyle of financial freedom and exotic travel eludes them and there are a few reasons why this occurs and I hope to shed some light on it here.

This list is by no means exhaustive but I hope, with this article, to set you on the right path to success as you explore these 3 deadly mistakes that could derail even the most seasoned online entrepreneurs.

Home business income opportunity killer #1: Lack of Diversity when it comes to marketing 

For you to be successful with home business income opportunity, you need to be able to market your business. Of course without marketing, no one will know your home business exists online and no one will come into your virtual store.

Consequently you will not be able to achieve your financial goals as you will not.
So to get noticed, most home business owners strive to learn how to market online. However, a lot of them learn one marketing method and stick to just that. However, lessons were learnt from one of the recent 'Google slaps' as it is popularly called.

A lot of online businesses went downhill because they relied heavily on one marketing method, Google AdWords, in this case. The same danger awaits others who rely heavily on one marketing method even if it is not Google AdWords.

The remedy is to have a range of marketing methods so that if one marketing method becomes enviable you will have others in place to fall back on. If each marketing method contributes equally to your total business income then losing one of them will only put a small dent into your finances and not a big hole. 5 marketing strategies is a good number to strive for.

Home business income opportunity killer #2: Doing too much at once

The opposite of the above point is also true; taking on too many marketing strategies at the same time will kill your home business opportunity instead of growing it. This issue needs to be addressed in two ways - first, having too many marketing strategies that you are trying to implement and the other is having the right number of marketing strategies to grow your business but trying to perform these all at once and in a haphazard manner.
I like to use an analogy here - when you direct the rays of the sun through a concave mirror you focus the energy to the point that you can start a fire (remember the science experiments at school). But this is unlikely to happen without concentrating the energy first.
In the same way, to see the success you desire you need to concentrate on one or at most two strategies at a time. Otherwise you will dilute your efforts and it will take longer to see good results. Without this kind focus, you will not experience the success that you so greatly desire.

Home business income opportunity killer #3: Not keeping track of your marketing activities.

A mentor of mine used to say, anything that does not get measured will not be improved upon. This is true in all spheres of life and also in attaining success in your home business. With each and every one of your home business income opportunities you need to keep track your activities and measure the results you are getting. There are numerous tools you can use for this purpose - some of them are free and other more sophisticated ones are not so free.

Learning to track your marketing activities for example will highlight the weaknesses in your marketing campaign so you can concentrate more of your efforts on these to get them better.
Say for example you write two completely different articles, by checking them out and analysing the responses you get you will eventually be able to tell which one performs better over time and produces your desired results. You can then concentrate more of your efforts on the activities that are producing the results for you.

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