NY Apple Trees Blooming, 2011 Growing Season Underway

The 2011 apple-growing season is underway, despite the cold, wet spring.

More than ten million apple trees are in various stages of bloom across the state, with most tree varieties in bloom or near bloom in western and central New York. Orchards along Lake Champlain are expected to bloom in another week or so.

“It’s been a cold, nasty spring but our trees don’t seem to care,” said NYAA President Jim Allen.

“Our trees are pretty much right on schedule, believe it or not,” he said. “Depending on how the rest of the growing season shakes out, we should have apples ready for market by mid to late August.”

Growers are reporting large “bud counts” meaning trees are blooming well. Growers are also saying that trees survived one of the coldest winters in history with little or no affect.

A good stretch of mild, sunny weather this week will help with the pollination of trees.

Warm sunny temperatures forecast across the state are good for generating bee activity in the orchards, which means better pollination.

Trees will be offering spectacular vistas over the next two weeks or so.

“We encourage photographers, or anyone who appreciates spectacular scenery to visit our orchards to witness this most beautiful time in the orchard,” Allen said.

Consumers can click on www.nyapplecountry.com to find a nearby orchard.

Fruit develops from clusters of blossoms after they are pollinated by bees.

New York is coming off an excellent 201 crop, where approximately 30 million bushels were picked. New York ranks second in apple production nationwide.

There are 697 commercial orchards in the state, on approximately 42,000 acres.


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