3 Reasons to Choose Organic Foods for Your Flat Belly Diet

A flat belly diet motivates many of us to seek out methods by any means necessary, but this extreme is just not necessary. An honest and all-natural diet will do the trick.

When it comes to organic foods, many dieters overlook the for two simple reasons. First, they are worried that organic foods are too expensive, and that making the switch to an organic diet would break the bank. Second, they worry that switching to organic means embracing lifestyle changes that aren't in keeping with their own lives.

But organic foods can usually be purchased cheaply, and buying organic doesn’t mean you have to wear hemp and sandals and forego deodorant (although that is OK, too). There are actually three key reasons you should choose organic foods when starting a flat belly diet:

1. Organic Means Natural

What does organic mean, anyway? Organic foods are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other chemicals. In the case of organic dairy and meat products, they are grown and processed without the use of hormones or antibiotics.

Why is this important? Well, all of these chemicals and additives are shown to have a profoundly negative effect on the human body. Some have been directly linked to chronic illnesses and disease. By opting for organic foods, you are making a choice to consume foods that do not have these chemicals and additives, a huge step forward on the road to improving your health and wellbeing.

2. Organic Usually Costs the Same

Organic foods may seem expensive, until you compare the price per pound with their processed counterparts. Often, if you check the price per pound of something organic and natural, such as a bushel of apples, with a processed food like fruit snacks, you will be amazed at how much cheaper organic foods can be. You can also check out the possibility of buying your produce and meats from a co-op, which can make buying organic even less expensive.

If you are still concerned about cost, switch to all-natural meats and dairy, and then add in the “dirty dozen” fruits and veggies. These are the varieties with the highest concentration of pesticide residues: celery, peaches, apples, nectarines, strawberries, blueberries, bell pepper, spinach, kale, cherries, potatoes, and grapes. Incorporate these changes as your budget can handle them.

3. Organic Can Mean Supporting Your Community

Once you make the decision to go organic, you can actually support your community by seeking out local sources of produce and meats. Check out your local farmers' market, or seek out a co-op in your community. Buying organic foods from these sources means you can help sustain small farmers even as you make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle with your flat belly diet.

Every step you make toward an organic diet not only means a flat belly, but a big step forward in your health and wellbeing. Check out the ways you can incorporate organic foods in your diet. You may be surprised at how easy the switch can be.


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