How Healthy is Your Bedroom?

We spend roughly a third of our lives in our bedrooms. So it’s not surprising that the state of your boudoir can affect not just the quality of your sleep and your sex life (duh), but also your stress levels, your allergy symptoms, even your exposure to toxins.

Like a lot of us, I suffer from allergies, I don’t sleep as well as I’d like, and I’m definitely always looking for ways to improve my health. So I invited five healthy-living pros—an allergist, a sleep doc, a green-lifestyle specialist, a stress expert, and a sex coach—into my house to assess the state of my bedroom. Turn the page for the surprising health and happiness hazards the experts uncovered, and their tips for turning my bedroom (and yours!) into a truly restorative retreat.

Let there be (less) light The first thing the sleep expert notes is that my near-transparent shades don’t block out the moonlight—let alone streetlights at night. "Melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle, is secreted at night in response to darkness," explains Samuel L. Krachman, DO, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. "Light interferes with its production, making it harder to fall into a deep, restful sleep." In fact, two new studies suggest that exposure to light at night could affect not only your snooze quality but also your blood pressure, glucose levels, ability to regulate body temperature—even cancer risk. He suggests adding blackout curtains, or any opaque shade, to darken the room.

Stop the log-sawing My main sleep complaint, though, is my husband’s snoring. Can Dr. Krachman help with that? His suggested fix: a sleep positioner—a belt with soft foam attachments that will keep my husband from sleeping on his back, which tends to bring on the snoring. For my part, I can wear earplugs and/or run a white-noise machine to dampen the sound.

The green expert’s take
Detox your pillow. Horrified. That’s the only word to describe the reaction of environmental-lifestyle expert Danny Seo when he spies my memory-foam pillow. He tells me that the petroleum-based synthetic foam my Shannon Greer

pillow is made of can emit volatile organic compounds Shannon Greer(VOCs) that can
cause headaches, nausea, eye and throat irritation, and may even contribute to asthma. A better bet would be a natural latex pillow made from rubber trees, he says. But if I’m wedded to the feel of the memory foam (which I am!), I should at least cover it with a 100% cotton pillow protector, which would reduce my toxic load.

Go low-tech Seo is pleased that there’s no TV in the room. But he urges me to move the cordless phone base station, laptop, and electric alarm clock off my night table because of the radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) they emit. While the jury is out on the health impact of EMFs (some studies link them to a slightly higher risk of cancer; others have found no direct connection), why risk keeping these EMF sources next to my head all night long?

What the stress expert says
Rethink clutter Stress and trauma expert Barbara Rubel agrees that laptops and cell phones don’t belong in the bedroom—but for another reason: They’re potential stress-causers. So are the piles of material I need to read for work. My personal stress bugaboos are my husband’s dresser-mess—a jumble of change and receipts—and the clothes he leaves on the floor. Rubel’s first tip is to come up with an organizing solution that works for both of us. But she has a plan B: "If you can’t change the system, reframe your thinking. What is positive about seeing your husband’s jeans on the floor? It means he’s here and he’s healthy!" This idea hits home; my husband narrowly escaped the terrorist attacks on 9/11, so I do feel lucky to have him here—jeans on the floor and all.

Finally, a word from the sexpert
Nix mood-killers My snuggly flannel comforter is deemed a liability by sex coach Amy Levine. "Cozy is not sexy," she says. Also not sexy: family photos. I can see how the ’70s-era picture of me, my sister, and my dad on my nightstand is not exactly libido-boosting. Another major no-no is lack of privacy—we have no locks on our door to keep out the kids!

Up the romance factor Levine recommends adding items to my room that make me feel sexually confident and empowered. Though the specifics are different for everyone, she says, some suggestions include an inviting chair to use as an alternate lovemaking spot, fresh flowers, and sensual touching objects (think silk and feathers). We do have night table drawers for stashing "pleasure props." Now if we could just lock the door, resist the siren song of the cozy comforter, and actually use those props!

Other tips and tricks for a healthy boudoir
• Lose those pillows: Sneeze-proof your bed with hypoallergenic casings on your pillows and mattress. And get rid of throw pillows, which can be a breeding ground for dust mites.

• Kick off your shoes: Better yet, leave those kicks out of the bedroom altogether. They track in toxins from the outside world.

• Less is more: Candles cast a sexy glow, but some can also emit irritating VOCs. Stick to just one or two that are 100% soy.

• Time to unplug: Electronic devices can stress you out, interfere with sleep, and sabotage your sex life. "Unless you’re a doctor on call, you don’t need a BlackBerry by the bed," says sleep expert Samuel L. Krachman, DO

So, did the tips help?
My first priority after the experts left was to move the electronics off my nightstand. I also cleared away the nostalgic photos and piles of magazines. Since buying new curtains isn’t our most urgent home-improvement need, I’m exploring what a darker room would feel like by donning a soft sleep mask instead. I actually think it helps me fall asleep faster. (Unfortunately, my husband has resisted trying the anti-snoring sleep positioner.) My new pillow and mattress encasements are making the bed a bit crinkly, but I’m hoping they’ll have me breathing easier. Finally, we’ve decided to have that pesky leak repaired for good. It’ll be a big hassle (we’ll have to rip out and replace the whole wall) and a major investment, but if it helps keep us healthy, it’ll be worth it.


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