All She Wrote

To say the least, this Supreme Court race in Wisconsin looks like it's going to an inevitable recount. As of 3 AM on the East Coast, 99% of the precincts have reported (which is different from 99% of the votes, mind you) and Prosser is up by a scant 600 votes out of almost 1.5 million cast. The outstanding precincts appear to favor Kloppenburg, the challenger. So it seems quite possible that as final tallies come in over night and into the morning, Kloppenburg could draw even or move into the lead. To borrow from the language of polling, the margin of uncertainty tied to outstanding precincts, absentee ballots and possible tabulation errors is just bigger than the margin separating the two candidates.

We should have a bit better sense of where this is going in the morning. But hard to imagine this one is really going to be settled for a few days.

In the other big race of the evening, Chris Abele won the office of Milwaukee County Executive, the post Scott Walker left to become Governor, by a resounding 60% to 40% margin.


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