How Turning Off Your TV Can Give You A Flat Belly

 If you have started your quest to get a flat belly, chances are you've already investigated changing your diet. But did you know that there are lifestyle changes you can make that will help you lose weight and flatten your belly? One of the easiest lifestyle changes you can make with your weight loss plan is to turn off your television.

For years, diet experts and nutritionists have touted the value of decreasing the amount of time you spend in front of the television. There is a direct relationship between how much weight you gain and how many hours you spend watching your favorite shows. But do you know why there's a correlation? In this article, we break down why restricting your television intake is just as important as changing your diet when it comes to weight loss.

Watching TV Is Sedentary

The most obvious reason that television leads to weight gain is because it's a sedentary activity. Hours you spend in front of the TV are hours you could spend more profitably, in activities that will help reduce your waistline. Gardening, house cleaning, working out, and even playing with your kids are all activities that help you burn calories.

But if you are sacked out on the couch, you aren't burning many calories at all. The more weight you want to lose and the flatter you want your belly to be, the more you need to move and focus on pastimes that encourage calorie burning in your body. Watching television should be the last thing on your list.

You Can't Believe Everything You Hear About Diet Plans to Lose Weight

Another, more insidious way that television encourages weight gain is through commercials. If you believe everything you hear when watching television, you will have a much skewed understanding of health and nutrition, one that could potentially wreck your chances of losing weight.

Just think of the commercials you've seen and the claims these ads make.

"Cheerios can lower your cholesterol."

"Milk does a body good."

"Splenda is safe for use by anyone, even kids."

If you believe the claims that these advertisements make, as well as thousands of other commercials that are shown every day, you are going to have an uphill battle when it comes to losing weight.

The Truth behind TV Commercials

When it comes to the truth, commercials are made by large companies to sell a product. Often the claims they make are based on murky research, or they may just be out and out untruths.

For example, Cheerios bases its claim on the fact that soluble fiber can help your body eliminate bad cholesterol. Yet Cheerios has only one gram of soluble fiber per serving. You can get three times that amount from a serving of broccoli and carrots.

As for dairy products, only raw organic products are acceptable for weight loss.

And finally, the jury is still out on whether Splenda is, in fact, safe for consumption by anyone.

By simply turning off your TV, you can encourage yourself to move more and you won't be swayed by false advertising. That can make for a powerful way to lose weight, without much effort at all.


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