Fat Burning Pills – The Jackelope of the Diet World

 Ever heard of a jackelope? Those make believe animals that are a cross between an antelope and jack rabbit have been a long standing joke, yet there are those out there that think the possibility of them is just too great to disregard the animal altogether. The same is true for those in search of that magical pill that burns their excess belly fat without them doing anything too strenuous or eating anything too healthy. I am sorry to burst your bubble (well, not really), but there is no such pill in existence.

 Now with that said, I will admit that I can see why someone would fall victim to these enticing pills. Who wouldn’t with all their claims of slimming down and their product pictures of men and women with ripped abs?

I will also admit that there are pills out there that will aid in you losing water weight, but to burn that unwanted belly fat, you have to do the work – both physically and nutritionally. If you want to get the midsection you’ve always dreamed of, follow these simple steps and you should see results in no time!

Step One: Say Goodbye to both Wheat and Dairy for 2 Weeks.

These two food items are notorious for their inflammation-causing side effects which will immediately halt your belly fat loss attempts. Wheat products to eliminate include cereal, most breads, crackers, and most pastas. Calcium foods to eliminate include milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, and most other kinds of cheese.

I know what you’re thinking, “Isabel, I thought milk was supposed to increase your body’s ability to burn fat. That’s what the commercials say.” You’re right, that is what the commercials say, but it’s the calcium and not the milk that is the reason for the fat burn. So while cutting out the dairy, add calcium rich foods in your diet such as almonds, sardines, spinach, and broccoli.

Step Two: Fruits before Four.

I highly recommend that if you want to lose that fat around your midsection that you should eat your daily fruit intake before 4 p.m. and stick to veggies after that. This will give you adequate time to use that natural sugar as fuel for your body and refrain from storing it in your love handles. Eat some sautéed veggies with your protein entrée at dinner and some carrot sticks as an after dinner snack. This way, you get your daily intake of these two important food groups.

Step Three: Use Lemons to Make a Cleaning-Aide!

You might be frowning at this, but trust me, lemons are your liver’s best friend. The liver’s main job is to detoxify your blood and take out all of the unnecessary elements that may exist and eliminate them from your body before they harm you. However, when your liver is bogged down, some of those toxins will slip into your bloodstream and derail your fat fighting efforts.

Lemon is the ultimate cleaning solution for your liver and will help it to maintain its detoxifying efforts. Or, if you don’t like lemon, try some cayenne pepper; it has the same cleaning abilities.

Step Four: So Long Grains.

For anyone wanting to lose those last few inches around their belly, eliminating grains entirely is the best way to go. This might be a tough haul for many individuals as grains are so entrenched in most foods we eat, but trust me; you will see amazing results if you eliminate them. Grains include, but are not limited to:
Most cereals

While not a magic belly fat burning pill, these steps will get you looking how you want to look while you say good-bye to that unwanted, and unhealthy, belly fat. Give them a try and you will see results in a matter of weeks.


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